The Bureau of Justice reports that:
--77% of all crime was property related
--On average nearly 17 % of all crime domiciles were violated by a burglar
--In 85% of burglaries, the offender gained entry into the house or other building.
Ask any expert in the field and they will tell you that 90% of all burglaries are preventable. So if the odds are so good that it will happen to you and it is such a preventable event-what is it you have to do to stop the burglars? I am so glad you asked.
Sometimes the best home security is implemented when you are the one making the assessment and any corrective action- a do it yourself home security plan.
Here are home security tips to think about that will definitely discourage or flat out stop a potential intruder from entering your house. It is not an all inclusive list but one that if followed will certainly go a long way toward making your home more secure.
1. Take a critical look at your house from the outside. Is your house well lit? Are there hiding places near doors and windows? If you can spot a potential weakness in your home’s “look” you can bet a professional burglar can exploit it. Remember that light is a burglars’ enemy-darkness a friend.
2. What could slow down a burglar from entering your home? Simple home security devices such as locks on doors(deadbolts are best) and windows, bars, grates-items that are visible from the exterior of the house will not only act as a deterrent but slow down an intruder should he decide to try to enter. The more time it takes to break into a home, the more discouraged a burglar will become. Time is the enemy of the burglar.
3. How noisy can you make it if someone gains entry? Noise is also the enemy of the burglar. There are many home security alarms activated by doors or windows opening or by motion. The sound of a barking dog, real or recorded, are very effective and will scare most burglars away.
Lights, noise and time-they are the three biggest enemies of an intruder. If you implement these home security tips to fortify your house you may well avoid a lot of potential break-ins. But there are some other things that will help as well.
--Move valuables away from outside view. Don’t risk tempting someone. Consider putting small valuables in Diversion Safes.
--Start or join a neighborhood watch. Strangers usually stick out in a neighborhood and should be reported immediately to police.
--Make your house look occupied when you are gone. Burglars are much less likely to consider a house they feel is occupied.
--Lock your doors and windows. Even when you are gone for a short period of time. Summertime presents a huge temptation to leave doors or windows open. Don’t give in to the temptation. I have seen so many garage doors open only one or two feet to let the heat out-just enough to let a burglar in.
Many police departments as a public service will offer advice on how to make your home more secure. Call for availability in your area.
There are several simple things you can do to make your home less prone to intrusion by a burglar. Start with an assessment on how to make your home well lit, more secure, and in the event of an entry-how to make it very noisy. Light, time, and noise are the enemies of the professional burglar.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Home Security: Do It Yourself Home Security
Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 17:02 0 comments
Labels: diy, do it yourself, home security
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Home Security Tips Help Protect Family And Home
If you are concerned about home security you are one of the vast majority of Americans that consider this as one of the most important matters they currently face. As we all are aware crimes of burglary and theft continue to grow alarmingly. Even cities and suburbs that were once considered to be safe and crime free are now experiencing unparalleled levels of crime including theft, burglary as well as violent and armed hold-ups.
Well what can you, as a concerned homeowner, do to protect yourself, your family and property from the prospect of experiencing crime? Here are a number of quite simple and straightforward home security tips on how you can protect your home, family and assets.
While sophisticated security and alarm systems can make the homeowner feel more comfortable and secure often the cost of these systems are beyond the financial means of many people. So for people who are not able to afford the cost of installing alarm systems we have a few home security tips and suggestions that will help you in your war against petty crime.
First off you should check all doors leading into your home. Inspect the door to ensure they are not hollow because hollow doors are relatively easy and quick to break and this allows for quick undetected entry into your home. If you have any hollow doors (or doors with windows) consider replacing them with solid timber doors or better still with metal ones as this will be a serious deterrent to would-be thieves.
Where possible use loud alarms which are likely to scare away the vast majority of burglars. If you have sliding doors or windows it is recommended that as well as having a secure locking mechanism you also reinforce them by placing a wooden or steel pole in the sliding track to prevent the door or window from being forced open.
One of the best ways to assess the security of your home is to walk around the exterior perimeter and look for any weakness in your security precautions. For example it is strongly recommended not to allow trees or shrubs to grow in front of windows, especially in the rear of the home. The foliage is a perfect camouflage for any burglar while they are attempting to gain access to your home.
A further home security tip is to eliminate dark areas around the home by installing small lights near shrubbery so as to allow you to light up these areas at night or to connect the lighting with motion sensors so as to help ward off potential thieves.
View Your Home Through The Eyes Of A Burglar
It is well known that most burglars, even the most professional and proficient, will only try to enter the house that offers the least resistance. Their method of operation is almost universal in that they want to get in and get out as quickly as possible without drawing attention to themselves. As a deterrent why not put up signs warning that your home has a security system installed as this can often cause burglars to ignore your home and keep moving to the next house in the neighborhood.
Other home security tips include always keeping the curtains drawn at night and when ever the property is unoccupied always keep your valuables out of sight. It is common knowledge that many burglars target the theft of expensive, high-demand electronics which they can see sitting on tables and desks. So as a precaution ensure that these items are placed out of view.
If burglars can not observe easy accessible property from their vantage point outside then it is highly unlikely that they will try to gain access to your home on the off chance that you possess something worth their effort.
Always close and lock windows and doors at night and when you are out. Draw your curtains at night or when the house is unattended. Install external security lights, preferably those that are activated by motion sensors and ensure your valuables cannot be seen from the outside. By taking a few simple precautions with these home security tips will be well on your way to protecting your family and property.
Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 01:52 0 comments
Labels: family, home, home security, protect
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Home Security: How To Make Your Home Burglar-Resistant
Home security is a huge concern these days, given the increasingly unsafe environment we live in. The fact is, there are a number of easy, practical steps you can take to minimize the chances of your home being burglarized.
* Prevention if usually better than cure. Before you rent or buy a home / apartment, get to know the neighborhood. Talk to residents; ask about burglaries and other crimes in the locality. Being aware of what has been happening in the area should be a priority.
* If possible, have a security expert evaluate the home. Incidentally, many police departments will do a security check of your home at no cost. You will often be alerted to problems you didn't know existed.
* Don't hide keys outside the house for fear of being locked out. Getting a locksmith to open your door is a whole lot cheaper than losing valuables because a burglar discovered your hidden keys!
Where possible, team up with a neighbor and hold one set of each other's keys. That way you have a spare set of keys available should the need arise.
* Trim bushes around your house before they grow enough to easily hide an intruder.
* Having good lighting around your home or apartment complex is an important factor in deterring intruders. If there are burnt-out bulbs or the lighting is inadequate, address the issue
* If you have windows accessible using fire escapes or directly from the ground, they should not open wide enough to let a person in. A screw built into the frame can accomplish this. There are other very effective stops also available. Of course, you should be able to escape in the event of a fire.
* There are anti-lift devices available that can prevent an entire window or sliding door being lifted out of its frame. If you do not install them, thieves may make locks irrelevant by lifting the window or door.
* Your door should have a dead bolt, not just the lock in the knob. Get one installed, if you don't have one already.
* Avoid listing your complete address in the phone book. List only your street name, at most. This will prevent someone doing reverse listings to find out your name and phone number using your address.
* It is tempting to leave notes for your kids or neighbors on mailboxes and doors. This is an open declaration that you are not home.
* Do not announce your absence from home through your answering machine. Incidentally, an answering machine can be useful for identifying suspicious patterns of missed calls.
* There are a number of excellent home security systems available. If you feel the level of risk warrants it, consider using them.
* Decals are often a good deterrent. Alarm system decals or beware of dog, neighborhood watch signs can make would-be burglars think twice.
Utilize these suggestions and you will make your home a safer place to live in.
Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 23:29 0 comments
Labels: home security