Friday, 13 March 2009

Choosing the Right Home Security System For You

Back in the good old days when everyone sat on their porches at night, theft was something so incredibly uncommon that it seemed like something out of a good story. When home security alarms were first introduced, they weren't seen as something needed by the public, and security companies had a hard time selling them. Gradually, they were accepted as a necessary fixture in almost all businesses and new homes.

There are many reasons why one would want to consider the purchase of a home security alarm for one's home. It provides a higher level of security for prized possessions such as expensive jewelry, electronics, appliances, and anything else that you wouldn't want to lose.

A home security system is perfect for those who spend extended periods of time away from the home, or who live in high risk areas. The FBI presents a study that shows that, on average, 25% of homes in the USA are burglarized at least once in a 10 year period. Why take the risk with your possessions?

But once you make the decision to go ahead with purchasing a home security alarm, the difficult part is just beginning. There are many different types of alarms on the market and it can be hard to discern which one is right for your needs. You want to make sure that your system provides the best security for your home without being more costly than what is needed.

It is best to check several different alarm companies, as well as talk to friends and neighbors who have alarm systems installed to see what differences are out there, and what will fit your needs best. A few major things to take into consideration are the different companies available, the amount of protection you feel your home warrants, and how much you can afford to spend. Remember, just because a company is cheap does not necessarily mean it is the best deal.

There is no one company that we would recommend over the others; each has its own personal set of strengths and weaknesses and it is up to you to determine what will fit your needs best.

Some tips to keep in mind:

1. Make sure the companies that you are considering have proper insurance. If something happens with the company, you could become responsible for any loss.

2. Check to make sure the company has a valid business license in your city.

3. Get the names of other customers in your area who can provide references for you.

4. When signing a contract, read it carefully! Make sure you know what you're getting into before signing any forms. Know the terms of the contract and the length of the warranty.

5. Ask about the length of time the company has been in business. Be wary of companies that have not been in business for at least three years. There is often nothing wrong with a new home security company, but it is better to stick with those that have been around for a while.

6. Check to see if the monitoring is done locally, or out of state.

7. See if the installation is done through the company, or if it is subcontracted out. It is always better to stick with companies who do their own work. It's much easier to deal with the problem if something goes wrong later.